About Us

This page gives you first-hand information as to the importance of this blog site. Add to that, here are the primary fundamentals as to the reason for establishing this defense-related outlet.


        Pitz Defense Analysis is a site that shows military viewpoints tackling weaponries, strategies, analysis and gives updates. We focused more on any military-related events and conflicts in the battlefield that may affect the way of life of most people and also, any articles that may get related on the experiences of several credible people plus knowledge that may be helpful somewhere in the future. Some posts have resulted from the opinions made by the site author himself based on the supplemented hard data as for given sources are concerned.

       This website and its corresponding sites existed for the aims of educating more people, especially about defense issues and other things related to the country and the welfare of the citizenry in its entirety. Given so, objectivity is being highlighted on this site and commentaries are welcome as long as it is on-point and humane in a way that no profane words may get used. This is the site that is made from a hobby with an inner sense of patriotism which aspires to what is the best for the country, its sovereignty, and national interest with all of its citizens united with the primary goal of progress and peace, in areas like education, the economy and most of all, national security.

      Aside from that, we also deliver news from different sources with the purpose of summarizing and also giving ideas and information in which it was not purely bias and have balanced views that cover both sides of the story.


      To achieve both the vision and the mission stipulated in this blog site, the primary aim is to post intelligent, inspiring, commentaries, and viewpoints with sound logic and pertains to military, arms and defense matters that affects the everyday living of each individual and the reflections the blogger may bring that may serve as a knowledgeable and as well an inspirational appetite that will improve one's mind and being. 


       The Pitz Defense Analysis aims to be a Defense-related outlet with a high reputation and credibility based on mere facts and analysis and also capable to have a logical opinion based on the events that affect military acquisitions, specifications and other matters that needs to learn about for most people who lack knowledge in the military.


        The blog site will pursue the credibility on the case in format and creation of its entries with some of it cited from the other sources and as well creates a certain viewpoint that gives a huge picture that will preferably benefit every single reader to state up the facts and maybe agreed on the ideas based on the written articles here on the Pitz Defense Analysis.


        The Pitz Defense Analysis Blog site is now subjected to provide further in-depth discussions as per its mandate to provide first-hand, basic military information, updates and news across the internet. The purpose of this blog site is only limited to its technical and analytical point of view and is apolitical in any kinds of viewpoints given unless the context includes defense issues. Read the site policy in the menu bar section of this website.

        We also have given more discussions on our Facebook page. Just like it across the webpage once you see it. We give updates from that page based on the situations and interest arises. Our blog website and our social media pages exist for in-depth, meaningful and interesting discussions. And we are doing our part to give credible news, analysis and knowledge covering military, weapons and defense strategies concerned.


        This website and the Facebook page plus the Twitter account that is associated with it has committed to providing its usual defense-related stuff, as the community is growing along the way and more challenges are coming in not only with the current efforts that the Armed Forces is pursuing with its goals but also with the role of this page in keeping its information updated for you, the readers, to keep tabs with the current situation of the country's national security. 

        It serves as our continuous endeavor to constantly improve this website, the Facebook and Twitter accounts that associate with it as well as in other areas where we keep on setting our standards higher and also to push our bounds of learning to a whole new length as it benefits not only the community that the Pitz Defense Analysis composes of but also the larger spectrum of defense communities like the ones here in the Philippines as we get along time and with that our desire to grow, learn and improve.


        He is the man who has this sheer interest concerning defense and military-based matters. Although not in service in any of the organizations of the military and opted for civilian life, research from reputable sites and making it understandable to other civilian readers is his aim that being a citizen, military personnel or not, have a role for this nation to do, with each and everyone has their respective responsibilities. This website serves as an avenue of educating people about defense and military issues, in the sense of objectivity and to set aside any biases for the aim of establishing facts that are for the people to know and understand.

        Check the "about the author" portion at the lower part of this webpage, or click this profile right here, to know more about the man behind the write-ups and development of this defense website.

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Kindly check also our complete list of social media accounts on this link here.




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