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Is the M-113 Arisgator Ideal for the AFP?

The Philippine Army gets many M-113 armored personnel carriers in its arsenal. Having these APCs changed as an Infantry Fighting Vehicle already took place. With that raises the question of a floating kit that makes these APCs more amphibious than the way it used to be.

M-113 in the Philippine Army Arsenal

The Philippine Army since the Vietnam War already got these M-113 Armored Personnel Carriers. These are further increased when the United States delivered 114 of these units as an additional complement to its arsenal.

The army further enhances its M-113 by having changed versions of those gained from Elbit Company of Israel. It all started by having six RCWS-armed M113s in the arsenal. These are also further added by having three 30~40mm gun turrets in which it can complement with other changed M113s such as the repair version or the ones armed with scavenged Scorpion Turrets. 

Hence, these changed armored personnel carriers, called as infantry fighting vehicles, are an additive to the already-capable mechanized division of the Philippine Army with the chances of improving it to a more heightened level which adheres to the AFP's aim of a world-class army on 2028. Having these M-113 vehicles comes with the chance of having the Arisgator kit coming into play as a possible amphibious product for the Philippine Armed Forces, especially to its possible or say, presumably users Philippine Army and the Philippine Marine Corps. These kits for the M-113s have provided its worth in service in the Italian armed forces and the Indonesians are looking after it for their Army to deploy in Indonesia's swampy areas and deep rivers where such deployment is ideal.

This kind of discussion comes up with a question for a series of questions where these kits are possibly an excellent investment of the armed forces or there are more excellent alternatives where it comes to logistics, troop transport, and immediate deployment. These in which comes a good question that needs a good, technical and analytical question: "Is the M-113 Arisgator amphibious kit ideal for the AFP?

The same question has raised in the Defense of the Republic of
the Philippines, where such questions have already debunked in Timawa.

In order to solve this kind of question, let us have a kind of insight into where the planners are thinking about the ideal matter where in-depth technicalities may get explained thoroughly as the discussion goes on.

The M-113 Arisgator design have made out from the 1990s where the Italians purchased and gets such design. The Indonesian army is eyeing to have such amphibious craft in which accordingly will definitely help their army to deploy their infantry in swampy areas and deep rivers, somewhat an environment Indonesia have where the Philippines are also having as well.

In such case, here are the following variables where we need to answer these questions, which it provided them in the following list below:

1. Are these feasible for the AFP to get?
2. Is it ideal for the Philippine Marine Corps to have them?
3. Are there better alternatives for the PMC to have other amphibious craft other than this one, or complementary units coming onto it?
4. Is it ideal for the Philippine Army to get them since they have those large stockpiles or M-113s?
5. In connection to number four, citing Indonesian Army's interest to have them, is it good for the Philippine Army to adopt what the Indonesians are having?
The specifications of the M-113 Arisgator. Image Source.

According to Chris McNab's book Military Vehicles, the Italian company Aris developed a far cheaper floatation device or rather, a swimming kit, to an already-amphibious M-113 armored personnel carrier wherein itself have poor performance on the water. With these, the floatation device earned its name as The Arisgator, naming it from the Italian company who developed it.

With the information of its origin now is given, let us return to the question which will bear variable to the discussion in which the Pitz Defense Analysis will now give its answers based on other discussion matters relating to this topic as well as the analysis given from such discussions in which it bears logic.

1. Are these feasible for the AFP to obtain? Well, the answer to that is a clear yes since the swimming kit made by an Italian company made it become less expensive to obtain, not to mention that it was really meant that way since a fully dedicated amphibious vehicle is far more expensive when compared to this one.

Now, this is where the discussion gets deeper. It is an undisputed fact that it is affordable for the AFP to attain. Now another follow-up question sets in, which is "Which branch within the AFP will be the recipient of these vehicles assuming that we have them?" To answer that question, it has already given the series of questions and mentions earlier that two branches can have them. It is the Philippine Army and the Philippine Navy's sub-branch, the Philippine Marine Corps, which may get questioned to the number two regarding the ones who are really fond of amphibious landings.

2. Is it ideal for the Philippine Marine Corps to have them? Given the technicalities and the variables at play in this organization, it is possible for them to have such vehicles. But then again, back to the question, is it ideal? The answer is a big, big.....NO.

So, why not? The M-113 are so common in the AFP where compatibility is not an issue? And these things are affordable for the marines to have? The answer to these question is indeed technical in nature that the fundamental point of saying no goes to one, very important detail, somewhat a very important point for the marine corps to consider, which is the number of troops capable for an amphibious vehicle to carry.

Say, they are the Philippine Marine Corps and they will be the recipient to have such amphibious vehicle. Now, they have this doctrine which sets the standards as to what steps, procedures and ideal numbers, carrying capacity included, have written and have implemented strictly. 

So in their standards, larger carrying capacity has needed. Hence, that puts the Arisgator out of the picture considering that it is in their standards that it demands the immediate transfer of infantry, from ship to shore with sheer numbers that is needed to overwhelm beach defenses as well as reducing time for amphibious ships involved in the operations (Landing Craft Units, Landing Ship Tank, Landing Platform Dock) to get exposed from shore artillery which determines the victory of the operation. 

Hence, it is ideal for the marines to have a larger amphibious vehicle such as the AAV-7 (KAAV-7 are the Korean equivalents the Philippines at present may have) so that there will be shorter trips between ship and shore to deploy the whole Marine Battalion Landing Teams (MBLT). This comes up with another question related to this matter.

3. Are there better alternatives for the PMC to have other amphibious craft other than this one, or complementary units coming unto it? The answer is yes. There is a better alternative for the PMC to have other amphibious craft. In fact, it is already in the work-in-progress wherein some accounting and production have already taken place that it is the Hanwha Techwin (Formerly Samsung Techwin) will be the ones who produce the KAAV-7 which will complement the Tarlac-class LPDs the Navy obtain which is ideal for an amphibious operation. The reason for these things pertains to the marine's doctrine which was explained in answer number two.

4. Is it ideal for the Philippine Army to obtain them since they have those large stockpiles or M-113s? Technicality-wise, considering the compatibility and the logistical advantage due to the enormous number of these armored personnel carriers in its inventory, no doubt one can say it will be ideal so unto that. Moreover, the term "amphibious" that is defined here is so different from having it traverse a swamp or a river is different than the usual ones done by the Marines such as a shore landing in which it was given earlier. 

Although it was ideal for the army to have such vehicles to travel marshes, deep rivers and the like, a typical mechanized division, alternatively speaking, will be more opted to self-bridging or self-propelled pontoon equipment where alternative bridges are being built at places where already-made bridges are destroyed or the place renders no structured bridges at all. That will be possible by having the area air dropped by airborne infantry, then supplemented by reinforces through the transport helicopters, then that's the time the army engineers enter the scene by deploying the materials necessary to built a pontoon bridge for a mechanized infantry to passed by.

5. In connection to number four, citing Indonesian Army's interest to have them, is it good for the Philippine Army to adopt what the Indonesians are having? Well, considering the demands and requisites both forces are aiming, this kind of question cannot answered that easily because of the first and only the very reason there is to consider,  which is the doctrines of each of the nations have. 

Albeit the tropical climate that both countries have as well as having the same geography such as being an archipelagic nation does not detrimental than what has applied in Indonesia shall get applied in the Philippines. 

It is because that the different asymmetry of doctrines these nations have aimed for their different kind of interest and for different capabilities. Hence, the difference of these things have influenced by what are the threats prevailing in the environment plus the weapons these militaries think they suit the best for the operation. So, one cannot just simply adopt it.


Getting these KAAV-7s for the Philippine Marine Corps is the better decision rather than the M-113 Arisgator path. Got from Bemil Chosun Website.

Given the questions, we shed the light as about the good and the bad points about the Arisgator as an ideal amphibious vehicle to the AFP. With that comes a question of whether the Arisgator is ideal for the AFP? Well, with that, the ultimate answer here is that it can be ideal if the AFP is a cash-strapped organization where they resort to cheaper equipment so that they can conduct their mandate. 

But given the present stance of the armed forces, it can be seen as well as non-ideal vehicle considering that other alternatives will benefit the armed forces more than fully relying to these changed M-113s where its seating capacity is lesser than the KAAV-7 the Philippine Marine Corps will get as well as the good proposal of an ideal pontoon bridge like other armies would do. 

Overall, this vehicle is one, good amphibious machine that Italy gets for its armed forces where Indonesia is considering, while the Armed Forces of the Philippines is interested in something else rather than this one, it is a good thing that the alternatives in which they choose intends on benefiting the ever-increasing capabilities of the whole armed forces with its aim to become a world-class army by the year 2028.

(c) 2016 PDA. First edition 8-5-2022.

The New Philippine Frigate and Its Features

The Hyundai Heavy Industries and the Philippine Navy Signed a contract bearing at around $334 million U.S. Dollars (15.7 billion Pesos) to design, construct, and deliver the newest combatant ship in the fleet with the first one to arrive in 2019.

The contract signing took place on October 24, 2016
at around 2pm. Credits to unknown owner.
The contract signing was begun last October 24, 2016, at around 2:00pm. It was done through the agreement set weeks before the contract signing at around September and the first weeks of October. The signing was done by Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and the Executive Vice President of Hyundai Heavy Industries Ki-sun Chung. The exact cost of the project is at around $334 million or around Php 15.7 million. This is considered to be the first big-ticket project signed by President Duterte's administration which the project originated back from the former Aquino administration and is part of the First Horizon of the AFP Modernization Program.

HDF-3000. This is where the future frigates will be based. Courtesy of the Korean Navy.
Last 2013, the Department of National Defense – Bids and Awards Committee placed a bid for the acquisition of two brand new frigates with the contract price of 18 billion pesos after rejecting the decision of procuring the Italian Maestrale class Frigates due to an issue pertaining to its operation.

There are bidders who participated in the deal of procuring two frigates to the navy. Consequently, the duration of the program bid is a bit long due to the fact that the consultant was hired to tender the frigates to its needed capabilities, which it will be enough to conduct anti-submarine warfare as well as anti-air warfare. 

Upon the first stage of bidding, the participants reduced to six. These participants are named Garden Reach Shipbuilding and Engineering (GRSE), STX offshore, STX France, Navantia S.A, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and Dae Sun Marine Engineering (DSME). Upon the evaluations made in the second stage of bidding, two are found to get passed and is considered contractually flexible and these are HHI and GRSE. 

Upon price offer, GRSE is the lowest calculated bidder followed by HHI. Garden Reach offered the 109-meter Kamorta-class Corvette while the HHI offered the Incheon-class frigate. Thereafter, GRSE failed to pass the post-bid evaluation due to financial issues which brought the HHI as the winning bidder with the Notice of Award issued last September 1, 2016.
Conceptual design of the future frigate. It mixedly combines HDF-3000 and HDF-3500
Now, the project contract is being sealed HHI bagged the $340-million project. The ship’s ultimate design will be out by the end of the year 2017. Construction will be begun in 2018 and the two ships will be delivered to the Philippine Navy first in late 2019 and second in late 2020.


Weight: 2,600t
Length: 107m
Beam: 12m
Endurance: 4,500nm at 15 knots
Top speed: 25knots
Engine Configuration: Combined Diesel and Diesel (CODAD)

-1x 76mm Oto Melara Super Rapid Gun
-4x SSM-700K C-Star Antiship Missiles
-2x Simbad Remote-controlled launchers for Mistral Missiles
-2x Triple torpedo tubes for K745 Blue Shark anti-submarine torpedoes
-1x MSI Defense Seahawk RCWS plus 30mm gun (Secondary Gun)
-4x manually operated M2HB 50-caliber machine guns

-1x 8-celled Vertical Launch System (VLS)
-1x Close-in weapons system (CIWS)

Combat Management System:

-3D Surveillance Radar: NS-106 AESA Radar
-Hull-mounted sonar: Thales Bluewatcher
-Fire Control Radar: Thales STIR 1.2 EO Mk.2 FCR
-Electro-Optical Tracking System: Thales Vigile LW
-Towed array sonar

Countermeasure(s): Wallop Super Barricade countermeasure system
Tactical Data Link: Thales Link Y (with Link 16 and Link 22 as FFBNW)
Infomatic Photo: This is the specifications of the ship.
Pitz Defense Analysis/MaxDefense


The ship, first and foremost, once will be commissioned, will be the most capable, modern combat ship in the Philippine arsenal is capable of antisubmarine and anti-air operations. In fact, this may be the first ship in the navy to have a fully integrated weapons capability system that will involve missiles and torpedoes to do its mandate.

Its systems and sensors are greatly influenced by the French company Thales. The ship’s CMS, TACTICOS, is one of the known and the most proven CMS there is in the market as of the present. Hence, it will benefit the Navy for its performance considering its weapons integration to the sensors, in which it is undoubtedly Thales ones.

Its sensors are a great leap for the navy capabilities, so to speak. The 3D surveillance radar will be supplied by Thales with its NS-106 AESA radar which is undoubtedly better than initial technical specifications given by the bids and awards committee which is 2D. Thales will also more sensors on the ship like the Bluewatcher sonar which will be used, STIR 1.2 EO Mk. 2 FCR for the 72mm Oto Melara main gun and the Vigile LW which is used for Electronic Warfare.

Regarding weaponry, the ship will be armed with a 76mm Oto Melara Super Rapid Gun in which it will fire at 120 rounds per minute (rpm). The ship-to-ship missile launchers will cater the SSM-700C-Star ASM in which it will be two twin launchers, two Simbad-RC launchers will also get armed in which it will be armed with Mistral missiles. Four M2HB 50-cal machine guns will also be armed in the ship and the FFBNW features will include 8-cell vertical missile system for air defense, close-in weapons system for both surface and air targets, and towed sonar array for submarine detection. These in which will give a great leap for Philippine Navy as it is revolutionary for the organization to introduce itself in the modern-day spectrum of the battlefield.

As per the dimension, its 107m length and 12m width may suffice the ship’s capabilities in present terms. However, such a dimension for the ship has little space for improvements when it comes to more weaponry attached, such as anti-ship missiles and the vertical launching system. More unto this, it is as hopeful for the navy to consider these things so that it will be fixed and properly set up as the ultimate design will be up. For instance, many from different defense outlets agree that the Simbad launchers shall be on the lower part of the deck of the ship, rather than the top of the bridge citing reloading reasons. Another is that the ship’s hull will definitely cover the main weapons, such as anti-ship missiles, torpedoes and the RHIBs, for armed assaults.

The deal is now set. Via Sec. Lorenzana's Twitter Account.
These ships, two new frigates from Hyundai are one of the big-ticket projects of the Philippine Armed Forces for the first horizon which may be done alongside FA-50PH from the country of South Korea where the ships will be made and the Tarlac-class landing platform docks from Indonesia where it gave the Navy its amphibious capabilities. It is ascertained that the weapons on these FFX-Philippines derivative ships will also get integrated on the Del-Pilar class Frigates for commonality, where it will give full significance on the capabilities of the Philippine Navy’s offshore combat force. 

Overall, these ships are one of the symbols of modernization that gives a drastic change to the Armed Forces of the Philippines in which by year 2028, as what they are aiming for, will be a world-class, fully capable force for which it fulfills the mandate to enforce the nation’s territorial defense.

(c) 2016 PDA Original Edition.
(c) 2022 PDA Second Edition (revised 4-4).

Deterrence – Defining the Modernization Program

The Republic of the Philippines jumpstarted its two versions of the Armed Forces Modernization Program for its aim of an ideal “Minimum Credible Force.” It was implemented first in 1995, and then in 2012-2013 when the Revised AFP Modernization Program or the R.A. 10349, was enacted into law.


As they march. Source: Pacific Sentinel
Territorial defense is indeed the role of a typical nation in order to protect its sovereignty as well as the national interest of the country and its citizens. These mandates requires equipment and men in order to have the mandate implemented and borders in check from external threats. The armed forces of a certain country are tasked to do patrols on air, sea, and land to keep things in check. In the case of the Philippines, the situation with regards to its territorial defense has gone from far to worse due to neglect from past administrations. And with the latest series of intrusions and Chinese hegemony in the South China Sea, it is detrimental to the Philippine Armed Forces (AFP) to get modernized and to counter its threats in the concept of deterrence.

Commission of BRP Tarlac on a PN Anniversary last June 1.
Source: Inquirer.net
Deterrence as per Merriam Webster Dictionary refers to two things with similar implication: First, it is an act of making someone decides not to do something; the act of preventing a particular act or behavior from happening. Second is with regards to politics: the policy of developing a lot of military power so that other countries will not attack your country.

In this concept, it is connected to the AFP Modernization Program as a part of its goal to have a minimum credible force by the year 2028. These in which, PitzDefAnalysis hopes that the equipment that the armed forces needed is enough or rather, more than enough to suffice its needs of having a good deterrence against any other nation that will attempt to invade the country and pillage its resources and enslave its citizens. 

By the mere fact that nations like China, Russia, the United States or even any of Philippine’s neighbors in the ASEAN have sizeable armed forces which have in par or greater in force than those of the AFP, it is good to see that the modernization is on the go considering that having a good deterrence will mean more chances for a certain nation to think twice whether they can invade or not since such invading nation will never let its forces dwindle, the ratio of its armed forces wiped out and the cost of invasion supersedes the benefits.

The three-horizons of the AFP Modernization Program calls for more modern weaponry which will be considered at par with its neighbors as well as the norms in the armed forces of the world. With these calls for numerous things that need to be mitigated for the military to initiate its role as a defender of the nation in the light of the hegemony made by the Chinese in the disputed territories the Philippines is involved. 

The table of equipment as given by the AFP and its given planning are called for various pieces of equipment like frigates, multi-role fighters, coast watch stations, newer rifles and uniforms for the troops, night vision equipment and others that are within the scope of the planning. 

It also calls for a much effective support mechanism in which it means more base upgrades, better close air support aircraft, artillery options, secured communications network and better logistic infrastructure so that every military division is properly executed and properly supported for an effective strategic maneuver which can determine the battlefield format despite the numbers.

Based on history, we can cite the best example with regards to deterrence on the given references of this World War 1 article. In this case, the political leaders in Europe at that time thinks that forming alliances are indeed the viable option for them to form a force that may serve as a deterrent to another set of nations that form an alliance. 

In this portion of deterrence form the so-called "Allies and Axis" forces of the Great War. Not to mention that the German Kaiser is building a naval fleet in order to counter the British on the seas. In a modern-day sense, alliances such as the US and the West vs. Russia and the East come along the way. 

Going into specifics, the Philippines is doing well in building up its armed forces in which it will be considered as a deterrent for the country to defend itself from an invader which will think twice and consider the cost of the attack in the nation.

In this knowledge with regards to deterrence, it is at best a good thing to be aware that the modernization efforts are a necessity to achieve a very-well effective territorial defense of the nation. 

Not to mention that despite the sheer firepower China and other neighbors obtain at this moment that can wipe out the whole country, it is ascertained that there is still something that will create resistance in which it will make such invasion costly in both financial, psychological, and timely matters. 

This is something to show that there is still something for the defenders to do in which it will not go hopeless.

FA-50PH patrolling the skies.
Source: PhilStar
It is so for the people to know that deterrence is different than that of engaging in a war. Building forces, acquiring weapons, and increased patrols do not necessarily mean going to war, but instead, it is the job of the armed forces to do such a thing to defend the sovereignty of the nation. 

Diplomacy is good so to speak. But it is at best to get prepared for what is worse to come. Sure to say in a conflict, there will be casualties, but with deterrence, there is something that will make ensure that the war will be costly to the attacking forces. 

The point is that having a good defense is detrimental to the nation's survival. And with that guarantees the safety of the people and their respective livelihood without any worries coming in.

BRP Davao Del Sur (LD-602)

This is the second Tarlac-class Landing Platform dock, which is the largest among the ships ever be in service in the Philippine Navy, the one that is capable to carry military vehicles, supplies, and troops by bulk that is helpful to be deployed especially with the country's archipelagic geography.

Sister ship BRP Tarlac LD-601. Courtesy of Phil. Navy.
The ships are made possible as the result of the Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) program of the former Aquino administration in which in turn based on the original Multirole Vessel/Strategic Sealift Vessel Program (MRV/SSV) program of the former Arroyo administration.

The project calls for two Landing Platform Dock types of vessels in which it is capable to have Naval Helicopters to land and take off, conduct an amphibious operation, carrying a surmountable amount of marine forces, and capable to carry supplies ranging from armored vehicles to ammunition in the times of conflict or in case of humanitarian assistance/disaster response (HADR), relief goods and humanitarian aid.

With this comes the creation of two ships which was built from PT PAL Persero shipyard in Surabaya, Indonesia. It was after the bidding in which the PAL won and bagged the SSV contract. These ships are derived from the designs of KRI Banjarmasin 592 and KRI Makassar 590 which was built and designed by PT PAL and South Korean shipyard DSME, respectively for the Indonesian navy use.

These ships are now become what is now the BRP Tarlac (LD-601) and BRP Davao del Sur (LD-602).


LD-602. Source: Gombaljaya
The ship was initiated its construction on June 5, 2015, on a ceremonial steel-cutting that have taken place on PT PAL shipyard in Indonesia. The construction was made together with BRP Tarlac in which at that time was also under construction in PAL shipyard.
Source: Tribune News, via adroth.ph

The ship on its first part of the construction is more about building the blocks about the parts of the ship in which it will be applied and welded later on as these blocks are assembled accordingly from the bottom to the top. Like for instance, the following photos shown here focuses on the keel construction of the ship in which it was shown about the work in progress of the project.

Source: Gombaljaya via adroth.ph
More to these developments, several blocks are being prepared at that time so that assembly will be done accordingly. That which makes the building process faster as well as sophisticated as it may be. The following photo shows a block in which it will install on the main ship in the drydock. Hence, the process of assembly of different parts is initiated then.
Source: Gombaaljaya via adroth.ph
Then, the pieces are to be slowly assembled in its respective place like a jigsaw puzzle. This in which is in fact the norm on modern-day shipbuilding which is much efficient than the usual construction of the hull as one.

The ship's stern with the good deck for Landing Craft Unit
Accommodation. Source: IMF
On the side of the ship with scaffolding. Source: IMF

Ship's bow where it is awaited to be assembled. Source: IMF

After these things are initiated and the blocks have been slowly adjusted to their places, it is the job now of the workers to install various kinds of wiring, plumbing, and accessories as well as doing welding, putting bolts, and welding.

And the ship is slowly taking its shape.
Men and Materiel in the workplace.

 The bridge is about to be installed on the ship.
The ship itself is nearing completion and the process of painting the ship was commenced. And these photos shown the shape of the ship as well as the painting of haze gray on the ship and it bears its pennant - LD 602.

Source: Gombaljaya

The ship with the frontal part waiting to be painted.

The ship on the drydock.

Ship's stern.
The ship in its launching.

The ship in its completion.

Thereafter, the ship was recently launched last September 29 at the PT. PAL shipyard in Surabaya, Indonesia together with an Indonesian frigate which is a PKR 105m class. 

This is the video regarding the event.

The launching is a ceremony for the ship, having itself floating on water and was christened, to be prepared for its service as a landing platform dock ship. 

This is the wine used in launching the ship.

The name unravels on the day of launching.

The ship after the launch. Source: Gombaljaya

It will undertake several finalization and improvements in its system and will definitely undertake sea trials. Not to mention that there will be personnel that the navy will be sent for training, immersion, and other activities including closer relations with their Indonesian counterparts. That be then will get transferred to the Philippine Navy by May of 2017.

= = = = = = =


Updates are to be shown once newly-released photos are released.

January 6, 2017 - A photo was shown where the ship is being finalized and having minor touches before undertaking sea trials. The ship will be delivered as stipulated in the contract.

The ship in this case undertakes several touches where finalizations are being made. As being observed, PT PAL is almost has its job done on the ship where the delivery of the ship as well as commissioning is insight. In this case, it will take enough time for them to complete the ship to have it done before the deadline. Hence, it will complete the contract of acquiring two SSVs where the Philippine Government as well as a PT PAL is hopeful that it will be followed up by more orders in the future.

February 14, 2017 - Series of photos were released in the DefensePH through the same source of the prior photos posted here are shown where finishing touches were made and assessments were done by a Philippine Navy contingent in Indonesia.

The ship is at the port for finishing touches.
Source: Gombaljaya

Machinery check inside the engine room as part of the Philippine
Navy assessment. Source: Gombaljaya

With regard to these activities, the Philippine Navy contingent is confirmed now in Indonesia for assessment as well as for training and familiarization of the vessel in itself. As can be seen here, each and every activity made on the ship inside the PT PAL shipyard is being observed and inspected where it shall be up to what the contract stipulates on. Moreover, in the case of sea trials, it may be started by next month or two as the time for delivery comes nearer in May 2017. Once completed, it will get commissioned and will complement the BRP Tarlac as one of the largest ships in the Philippine Navy which is the Landing Platform Dock designed to undertake amphibious operations as well as for use in Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Response or HADR.


(More Updates) - May 6, 2017

Apparently, as per the latest reports, the BRP Davao del Sur will arrive in the Philippines by May 8 (Monday) after it was send-off from Indonesia.
From Gombaljaya
The given pictures are simply more of the sea trials that are taken place before the said sendoff where skills are a necessity to keep things in order. In that sense, the Philippine Navy crew assigned in the ship and PT PAL are coordinating to each other so as for the knowhow as for how the ship operates...
Via DefensePH
The days are getting closer as this ship will transfer from the hands of PT PAL Indonesia into the Philippine Navy, making it the second ship of the same class where it will serve in the way it functions just like the BRP Tarlac in which it emphasizes on Amphibious Transport, HADR, and as a command center.
From Agus Utomo
This perhaps the beginning of what is to come wherein the Navy plans to procure more vessels as per Sail Plan. That being said, it will further enhance its mandate to protect and deter the coastline together with the coast guard against foreign adversaries. As per these ships, it will somewhat help conduct various things as per its function where in the future, humanitarian assistance/disaster response will be mitigated which may save more lives as well as having a nicer way of conducting amphibious assaults vis-a-vis with other amphibious crafts. This is somewhat, a promising thing to the Philippine Navy where it will improve itself more, at present, and in many years to come.




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