A Prosperous and Promising 2017 to All

This is the Pitz Defense Analysis message for a promising #HopesAndDreams2017 to all of our readers.


The year 2016 is indeed a bit successful to some people, and a treacherous year for several people which may include us in this page since from inception we are still in the process of gaining and adjusting to the ideal way of posting ideal defense analysis and other matters.

More unto that, beyond the scope of military and defense issues, let us be hopeful that our dreams will become real and motivations to work harder for our self-improvement, those of our family and this nation specifically on defense shall be realized wherein the end, it's all but worth it.

We altogether started among ourselves to serve as a beacon of inspiration to become united in our goals which it will divide by none. Furthermore, it is ascertained that the careers in life we are pursuing, whether it may be in the military or police, lawyers or accountants, doctors or pharmacists, will definitely be attained regardless of being in the government or in a private agency.

Once again, we do hope that the year 2017 brings out the best in us, in fulfilling our dreams and aspirations in ourselves, our family, our community, our country, and our armed forces. Let there be a safe, prosperous, inspiring, and promising 2017 to one and all where it all based on sacrifice, discipline, and better priorities which this country will benefit from.

From us here in Pitz Defense Analysis, Have a Prosperous New Year to all!
#PDA #PitzDefAnalysis #HopesAndDreams2017


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